Do we study Daniel and Revelation during the course?
Yes. Daniel and Revelation are an integral part of the AFCOE curriculum.
Will I learn how to give Bible studies?
Yes! You will learn how to write and give powerful, convicting Bible studies. You will also learn the essential skills needed to be a professional Bible worker, evangelist, or outreach leader in your church.
Does Pastor Doug teach?
Yes. Pastor Doug teaches AFCOE classes regularly. We also have many other experienced instructors and popular guest lecturers. You don't want to miss it!
How many hours per day do we spend studying?
Class and outreach are conducted Sunday through Thursday. In addition, students are expected to attend and participate at their assigned church each Sabbath. The AFCOE 3-Month course is an intensive program requiring classroom time, daily homework, and in-the-field training.
Is it necessary to have a computer?
Yes! It is necessary for every student to have a laptop computer. Assignments will be submitted electronically, and basic Microsoft Word knowledge is necessary. We desire your time at AFCOE to be a life-changing mountaintop experience! Because of this, we ask that no secular, worldly programs be viewed during your time here.
Are graduates assured of a job after graduation?
If a student is dedicated and called to full-time evangelism, there are numerous opportunities available to him/her following graduation! Although our graduates are a sought-after commodity, we do not guarantee job placement or a recommendation following graduation. Recommendations are dependent upon the student's positive, faithful commitment to Christ and to others with whom they interact.
Where is AFCOE training located?
The AFCOE 3-Month course is hosted on the campus of Amazing Facts' W.O.R.D Center in Granite Bay, Calif., which is northeast of Sacramento.
How much does it cost to attend the AFCOE 3-Month course?
As of January 1, 2025, the program costs $6,000 per person. This includes $4,000 for housing, $2,000 for tuition, syllabi, outreach shirts, and field trips. Transportation, textbooks, food, and personal items are not included in this fee. There will also be a $350 fuel charge if you do not bring your vehicle.
Are there any discounts or scholarships available?
A $100 discount is available for anyone who has completed any ONE AFCOE Online course.
AFCOE does have a limited amount of funds available for scholarships each semester. We also encourage students to contact their church and their friends for support. Often, a home church will assist if the student plans on returning and using the tools they gained at AFCOE to benefit their local church. Remember, with God, all things are possible! Please contact our registrar for the scholarship application form and/or for a sample fundraising letter after your application has been accepted. Scholarships can only be used toward the tuition portion of the program. Please call for more information.
What is the refund policy?
All cancellations must be made in writing and sent to Amazing Facts by mail, fax, or email. Cancellations received 30 days prior to the opening day of classes will receive a full refund. Refunds requested after this period through the first 15 calendar days of the class program will receive a 50 percent refund of tuition only. There will be no refund for housing. There will be no refunds for cancellations after this 15-day period.
Will it be possible for me to work during the 3-month course to help meet expenses?
Because of the intensity of this course and the time required, students are unable to work while enrolled.
What is the financial responsibility of individual students?
- Tuition, registration, syllabi, field trips, and housing $6,000
- $4,000 (due by July 15)
- Housing for families Call for options
- Outreach gas fee (for those without vehicle) $350
- Other Expenses Not Covered by Fee
- *Food
Can I give a donation to help a worthy student attend AFCOE?
Yes! To give a tax-deductible donation to the general AFCOE scholarship fund, call 877-506-1751. To give a donation for a specific student, which is not tax deductible according to IRS regulations, contact us at 916-209-7249.
Do I need a car to attend the 3-month course?
Students are responsible for providing and maintaining their own transportation. We strongly encourage each student to bring a vehicle. If you are unable to bring a vehicle, it may be possible to be teamed with another student who has one. If you do not bring a vehicle, you will be charged a $350 transportation fee, payable at registration. The $350 fee is collected from students without cars and then distributed amongst drivers. Although each student is ultimately responsible for their own gas, this policy exists to help offset the fuel costs of those who bring their own cars.
What are the accommodations for AFCOE?
Housing is provided for the AFCOE 3-month course, but students will need to provide their own meals. Housing will be in a furnished apartment in Rocklin or Roseville. You are asked to share a bedroom with one or two other people. Please bring your own toiletries and linens, including towels and bedding for a single bed. Gas and electricity are covered by your housing fee. Internet access will be available in the AFCOE classroom. If you would like to have Internet access in your apartment, you and/or your roommates will be responsible for this cost.
Can I bring my pet?
If you wish to rent your own apartment and pay the additional expenses for a pet, you can bring a pet. Pets are not allowed on the Amazing Facts campus, in the classroom, church, or to accompany you on outreach. It is preferred that you arrange other accommodations for your pets.
Can I bring my RV?
You are welcome to bring an RV, but we do not provide RV parking. Please contact RV campgrounds in the Granite Bay area.
Can I bring my family?
Although children cannot accompany you during class hours, it is possible for your family to live with you in a nearby apartment. If you would like to bring your family, please contact us for information about family housing options and costs.
Television / Music
We ask that you maintain a quiet, studious atmosphere conducive to spiritual thoughts and in harmony with Christian principles. In order to best meet the needs of our program and promote Christian development, we do not allow televisions in the apartments.
If you wish to listen to music, please get the consent of your roommates. If necessary, use headphones or keep the volume low. Moreover, all music needs to be in keeping with Christian standards as set forth in Philippians 4:8. Music classified as Christian rock or rap is not appropriate.
Do I need to be baptized to come?
Due to the intensity of this course, AFCOE only accepts applicants who have been baptized for a minimum of one year. However, exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for more information.
Do I need to be a Seventh-day Adventist to attend the three-month course?
Prospective students must be baptized members in good and regular standing in the Seventh-day Adventist Church so that they will have the foundational Bible knowledge necessary for this program.
What is AFCOE's relationship to the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
Amazing Facts International is an independent supporting ministry of the Adventist Church. It is listed in the official Adventist Yearbook and works closely with church leadership around the world. Amazing Facts does not receive funding from the church or local conference.
I live in another country and can't afford to come to the United States for training. What should I do?
First, pray! If God desires to make a way for you to attend AFCOE in America, He will. Currently, part of our AFCOE strategy is to expand and offer coursework in several locations around the world. We now have schools in the USA, Europe, Africa, Indonesia, and the Philippines. See Global AFCOE for more information. We also offer AFCOE online courses. See AFCOE Online for more information.